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Traci's Breastfeeding Journey


This is my baby girl, Rhen, when she was 40 weeks in-utero and her now, just shy of 5 months.  The beginning was not easy for us. We struggled so hard in the early days and relied on donor milk from her Aunt. It took nearly a week for her to actually latch on without a shield long enough for a feed. Due to tongue and lip ties causing the majority of our issues I would cry at the thought of her needing to eat. But, I wouldn't and couldn't give up. I wanted this so bad for my baby and for myself. After about a month we were finally on the right track and there's been no looking back! We just recently had her oral ties released to help with her overall functionality of her mouth and its helped so much!

I'm thankful every day for the support of my husband and family

as we take this journey as far as she wants it to go.

August 2021

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